‘Flower to my lover #1’ solo exhibition Albertslund Rådhus 2016
‘Flower to my lover #1’ Albertslund Rådhus 6.oktober til 27. December 2016, Music Nigel Goulding, Chair ‘Boat’ Jakob Berg, produced by Stouby. Træblomster ,varierende størrelse. Udskåret med stiksav i 15mm fyrretræsfinér, indfarvet og mønstersnittet. Blomsterne er udført på SVK.
Flower to my lover #1, Albertslund Rådhus 6.oktober til 27. December 2016.
Dorte Østergaard still works with design installations. A format she developed in collaboration with her late husband Industrial Designer Jakob Berg. “Design installation” is a fitting term for the cross over between art and design that takes place in Dorte Østergaards works. Her pieces are not isolated designobjects but a spacious total experience bringing all senses into play and making her professional background as a textile designer go hand in hand with the artistic and conceptual project: banners of patterned textile, lights, sound and furniture incorporated and merged into a bodily and sensuous experience of the installation as a whole. At the same time the design installations separate parts are mostly created with an artistic impetus:
The source of inspiration for“Flower to my lover #1” is Flowers from her garden in Vanløse where she lived for many years. Dorte has during the last year she lived in Vanløse, made photo registrations in her garden. It is not the first time she has been inspired by flowers flowers from her garden, the Exhibition “Design whit a soul” at the Art Museum in Horsens in 1994 she printed poppies in different colors on 8 m tall textile banners.
Even though Dorte Østergaard throughout her career often hasused modern technology in creating her art works – in this case incorporated, wood carving, print on silk and the chair Boat designed by Jakob Berg and ambient soundscapes composed by Nigel Goulding , there is none of thestressful pace of the digital society or fluttering streams of pictures involved in her work. On the contrary .
”Flower to my lover #1” composed by Nigel Goulding for the exhibition ”Flower to my lover #1”